sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Hello guys! It's good to see you here!!!
- Watch the trailer and answer the questions below:
"The Invention of Hugo Cabret"
1. What kind of film is it? (genre)
2. Who's the director?
3. What are the names of the studios companies?
4. Who are the main actors and their characters?
5. What are the themes of the film?
6. What's the story about?
7. Where does the film take place (place/city)? When?
8. When was the film released in USA?
9. Which Oscar Academy Awards did the film win?
10. What's your opinion about the film? I think it's...

sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012

Animation "The girl effect"

Hello Guys! It's good to have you here!
High school level
Watch the 3-minute-animation to answer the questions below:
                  "The girl effect: the clock is ticking"

1. What are the themes of the animation?
2. What title would you give to the video?
3. Which solutions are given in different ages of the girl? Write the ages and the solutions.
4. Qual a intenção do autor ao afirmar que nós temos a situação em nossas mãos? Justifique sua resposta.
5. Qual a relação do relógio com a garota?
6. Que impacto o "efeito garota" pode causar na sociedade?

quarta-feira, 18 de abril de 2012